Merchant & Business Owner Information

It's easy to get so wrapped up in the day to day challenges of running a business, that we all forget to take a look at the basics. 

Can your potential customers find you?

Review how your customers will get to know you. Do you have a website, or do you need one, we can help if you do. Are you using Social Media, if not, why? Are you using a landline or a cell phone? Search for your business on-line and see if you can find yourself. If you have a tough time, will your potential customers be successful or become frustrated and move on?

Are you building a customer database?

When you earn a customer, don't lose them. At that very first transaction collect a mailing address and email address. Keep in touch often. Mail birthday cards, holiday cards, information about special events. Keep it professional and focused. Use both snail mail and email for variety. Don't over do it, more than weekly contact is too much. 

Do you have consistent hours? 

If you post an opening and closing time, stick to it. Customers expect you to be there when you say you will. Don't disappoint them, they may not come back.

Is your entry way welcoming and inviting?

Take a minute and walk through your front door, not the back door you always go in. Does your entry way invite customers to come in? Flower pots, lights, flags, are all inviting. Grafitti, trash, dirty windows, and old posters are not.

Are your windows fresh and clean?

Your window displays should be changed often and should show your current merchandise. Of course, the glass needs to be shiny clean so folks can see your display. If you need help learning how to put together effective window displays, just let us know. There are several pros downtown that would be happy to help.

Are you appealing to all of the senses of your shoppers? 

That's pretty easy if you are a bakery or restaurant, but not so easy if you are a bookstore or antique store. Be sure your store smells fresh and appealing. 

Do you need professional help?

That may sound like a loaded question, but it's not meant to be. Every business owner needs help along the way. Do you need to hire a bookkeeping firm? Are you going to hire a new employee and need help with interviewing or have human resource questions? Do you need to talk with a banker to review your business loan? There are a variety of needs and we have advocates from various firms that would be happy to sit down and speak with you. We'd be happy to make a recommendation.

Resources & Assistance

Click here to view a list of links to local and statewide resources available to help.

To Grow Your Business, Get Involved!

There are many ways to become involved in the Downtown neighborhood and the Pocatello & Chubbuck community. Getting your business' name out and becoming involved doesn't have to cost a fortune. It just takes time and effort. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Get to know your neighbors - walk along the blocks surrounding your business and introduce yourself and your business. Hand out business cards, brochures, menus, and if you'd like, offer an "Downtown Neighbor Special" to get your neighbors in to visit your store.

Join the Chamber of Commerce and start networking - the Chamber of Commerce is located in Downtown and they understand the needs of small businesses. Becoming a member has many advantages including the opportunity to network at monthly events including the General Membership Lunch on the first Friday of each month, Business After Hours on most Thursdays, and there's more. Give Kirk Lepchenske Membership Director, a call at 208-233-1525, and he will stop by and introduce you to all of the benefits of becoming a member of the Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce.

Become a First Friday Art Walk stop - this monthly event draws hundreds through your door with very little cost.  Below is the Art Walk Participate Guide to help get you started.

First Friday Art Walk Participation Guide

Join a Downtown Pocatello Committee

There are three Downtown committees welcoming new members.  Each committee has a group of volunteers devoting time, in a hands on way, to create and work on the direction of Historic Downtown Pocatello.

The Promotions & Events Committee (events, marketing, PR, advertising) meets on the second Monday of every month at Noon at the Historic Downtown Pocatello office, 435 W. Center St.  Lisa Brian is the Chair of this committee chair.

The Design Committee (landscaping, building appearance, streetscape, public spaces. public art) meets on the third Monday of each month at Noon at the Historic Downtown Pocatello office, 435 W. Center St. Ben Ledford is the Chair of this committee.

Relight the Night Committee (saving our historic neon signs) meets every other month throughout the year. Randy Dixon is the Chair of this committee. Randy can be reached at 208-406-9806 for more information about this committee.

If you have an interest in joining one of our committees, please attend a meeting or email and indicate which committee you'd like to join. We'll get you added to the email list for that committee and you'll be invited to upcoming meetings. 

Come to the Downtown events and meet the community!

Bring your friends and family, too. Wear a name tag or a shirt with your company name on it, and be sure to have business cards handy.


Historic Downtown Pocatello strives to keep all of our merchants and businesses updated and informed about upcoming projects, plans for the future, events and community efforts. Our communication tools include:

Quarterly Newsletter - we publish a quarterly newsletter that is mailed to property owners each quarter. We also put a copy of the most recent newsletter on this website. Reading the newsletter is a great way to keep up.  See the most recent newsletter below.

This Website - we update this website weekly. This is a comprehensive, yet user friendly, way to keep up with what we are doing.

Facebook - we post updates, merchant information and upcoming event information daily on two Facebook sites, Historic Downtown Pocatello and Downtown Pocatello Nightlife.  Be sure to "Like" and "Follow" both today and stay in the know.

Instagram - we are live on Instagram too! Be sure to "follow" downtownpocatello and downtownpocatellonightlife.

Weekly eMail Updates - Every Tuesday or Wednesday we send an email update to the businesses, property owners and advocates of Downtown. We welcome new businesses, announce expansions, give helpful tips and feature what's coming up in Downtown.

If you have a special coming up or information you’d like to share with your neighbors, just let us know. To submit information for this weekly update email to: by 5pm on Friday. 

If you are not currently receiving weekly emails from Historic Downtown Pocatello please click here  to send us a quick email.  We will add you to our database and you will begin receiving weekly updates.   If you would like to review the emails from the past couple of weeks, just click on the "Weekly Blog" tab at the top of the page.

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